So, say for example, I’ve got my MacDrive here and I can see, 19 images on the desktop, and 12 on the pictures folder. If you are going to move images around, you want to make sure that you do it through Lightroom! if you try to move these images around on your computer, through your system Finder, it’s going to mess it up because Lightroom is not going to know where those images are. If you look in your Finder / File Explorer, you’re going to find them stored exactly the same as they are here. You can see mine is Macintosh HD, which is my main hard drive (you will also so other connected drives in the Folders panel). This displays every single photo in this Lightroom catalog.

We will work in the Library module right now, and if you’ll look at the catalogs, the first thing you want to do is click on All Photographs. Your images are actually stored on your hard drive and they’re just managed in Lightroom. You’re not actually going to lose any of your images because none of your images aer stored in Lightroom. How can I accomplish this and not lose my images?” My folders are all over the place and I find images in more than one folder, and bottom line, I need to reload Lightroom and essentially, start from scratch. My problem is I never set up Lightroom as recommended. This is what he said, “I need to resolve my problems with Lightroom. And this is actually coming from a request.
#My do it best catalog how to#
I’m going to show you how to organize your Lightroom library without having to just ditch everything and start again. Have you ever got to a point where you feel like your Lightroom catalog is such a mess that you just want to declare Lightroom bankruptcy and just start all over again. How to Organize Your LIGHTROOM Photo Collection step by step (Click to subscribe to our youtube channel for more tutorials). Check out my very popular tutorial “Getting started in Lightroom in 15 minutes”. With some hard work, patience and little know how, we can get your photos all organized get you and on your way! To avoid this, set up Lightroom correctly in the beginning. You don’t have to delete everything and start over, you can salvage what you have. Watch this tutorial which gives you some really valuable advice and tips to organize a messy Lightroom catalog. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. This seems like the fast way to get going, but what you are really doing is building a web of confusion and mess.

People jump headfirst into Lightroom and don’t set it up correctly.

Help! My Lightroom catalog is a mess! What can I do?